Friday, February 25, 2005

DVD and Multimedia

In Santa Rosa, California in October 2004, professor David Ray Griffin gave a speech about his new book, entitled The 9/11 Commission Report — Omissions And Distortions. His lecture was filmed and edited by Portland-based Snowshoe Films, who later produced a 59 minute DVD.

The makers of the DVD encourage buyers to host private or public screenings to reach out and inform as many as possible. You can order it from

The kind people at even keep a downloadable copy of the lecture on the DVD at their Open Source Movies site. So all you need to do is go there, click save as, and then show it to your friends. Alternatively you can burn it on a CD and make copies for friends as well as your family. Maybe even pop it in the post to your favorite Mayor or Congressman?

Bundled with one of Griffin's great books, this CD or DVD should make the perfect gift for the curious, unprejudiced person!

And, as mentioned in the previous blog item, you can hear an interview from Pacifica Radio, also about Griffin's latest book.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Book: The 9/11 Commission Report — Omissions And Distortions

Following The New Pearl Harbor (NPH) is Professor David Ray Griffin's second book about this issue, titled The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions.

This latest book explores the 9/11 Commission Report and compares it to the findings of NPH. Griffin suggests an explanation of faith and ties to the government for the Report's many omissions and distortions, but concludes that the purpose of the Commission «was to argue, implicitly, that the US government was not itself complicit in the attacks of 9/11». And not to provide «the fullest possible account of the events», as stated in the Report itself.

And as David Ray Griffin puts it in his Final Thoughts in his book:
«Why would the minds in charge of this final report engage in such deception if they were not trying to cover up very high crimes?»
Professor Griffin applies a scholarly, academic style, and uses a thorough, scientific method of hypotheses and deductions, familiar to most scholars, to test the claims of the 9/11 Commission Report. And at the same time he keeps his language straightforward and to the point, always respecting the reader, which makes his books a thrilling (yet unpleasant) read also for the general public.

Griffin gave an interview on the book, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions, on Pacifica Radio's show Flashpoints, and you can hear it here.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Book: The New Pearl Harbor — Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11

This book is the starting point of our Journey. Although there's been a lot of books about 9/11 published since the Fall of 2001, David Ray Griffin largely out-shadows all of these through his clear thought and composition, his thorough and academic treatment of the issues, and still with an easy and accessible language throughout his account of the events and the massive amount of information available about them. If you want to read just one book about 9/11 - because your time is precious like everyone else's - this is the one you want to pick up.

The New Pearl Harbor explores the two conspiracy theories; the Official and the Alternative, and explains how all the evidence for official complicity in 9/11 presents a cumulative argument for complicity, that is «like a cable composed of many strands», rather than «like a chain,» that is «only as strong as the weakest link».

The title is inspired by a (September 2000) report from the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), that calls for a «new Pearl Harbor» to oil their dreams of a Transition of American society.

Finally, here's what some of the reviews have to say about The New Pearl Harbor:

«An extraordinary book. .. It is rare, indeed, that a book has this potential to become a force of history.»
— from the foreword By Richard Falk, human rights lawyer and Professor Emeritus, Princeton University

«The most persuasive argument I have seen for further investigation of the Bush administration's relationship to that historic and troubling event.»
— Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States

«David Ray Griffin has written what America may most of all need — a dispassionate, balanced, and exhaustively researched and documented account of the implausible gaps and misrepresentations of the Bush administration's official story of 9/11. Sensitive to the 'conspiracy theory' mind-stop that has disconnected his fellow Americans from the facts of this history-steering event, Griffin painstakingly marshals the evidence pro and con, and follows it where it leads. A courageously impeccable work.»
— John McMurtry, author of Value Wars: The Global Market versus the Life Economy, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and Professor of Philosophy, University of Guelph

«It will be painful, and disturbing, to turn the pages of this thoughtful and meticulously researched book. But turn we must. For we owe the truth to those who died, and nothing less.»
— Colleen Kelly, sister of Bill Kelly, jr., who was killed in the North Tower of the World Trade Center on 9/11, and co-founder of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
PS: If you just can't wait for the mail, the book is also available online.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Welcome Aboard!

Dear Reader,
this blog will focus on books, blogs, DVDs and multimedia related to The New Pearl Harbor.

The new wars on multiple fronts, as well as other developments of the 21st Century, cannot be fully understood without a closer look at the events around September 11, 2001.

A steadily growing Community of scholars and critics of the conspiracy theories woven by the official United States of America - theories that have later been evolved and carved in stone by the so-called 'Independent Commission on 9/11' - has come up with an alternative set of questions and possible explanations. And it is the aim of this blog to try and keep track of the progress, proceedings and growth of this Community.

So then we set out on a Journey. Come along if you like; I will keep the Ship Log of this Odyssey, and you can be the Crew, or you can at least bookmark this blog and its XML feed, and you can comment it any time you feel like.

Set Sails!