Sunday, February 20, 2005

Book: The 9/11 Commission Report — Omissions And Distortions

Following The New Pearl Harbor (NPH) is Professor David Ray Griffin's second book about this issue, titled The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions.

This latest book explores the 9/11 Commission Report and compares it to the findings of NPH. Griffin suggests an explanation of faith and ties to the government for the Report's many omissions and distortions, but concludes that the purpose of the Commission «was to argue, implicitly, that the US government was not itself complicit in the attacks of 9/11». And not to provide «the fullest possible account of the events», as stated in the Report itself.

And as David Ray Griffin puts it in his Final Thoughts in his book:
«Why would the minds in charge of this final report engage in such deception if they were not trying to cover up very high crimes?»
Professor Griffin applies a scholarly, academic style, and uses a thorough, scientific method of hypotheses and deductions, familiar to most scholars, to test the claims of the 9/11 Commission Report. And at the same time he keeps his language straightforward and to the point, always respecting the reader, which makes his books a thrilling (yet unpleasant) read also for the general public.

Griffin gave an interview on the book, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions, on Pacifica Radio's show Flashpoints, and you can hear it here.

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